5 stars does not suffice for Taylor at Optimal Movement!! She deserves a million. She is truly the BEST PT out there. I came to Taylor with a torn ACL, and a very intense goal/mindset (self imposed) of getting back up to pre injury status ASAP. From the beginning, Taylor was fantastic at balancing what was medically safe and reasonable, with hearing my goals and pushing me/building a robust program to enable me to achieve them. With her guidance, I made strong progress and was really, really happy.In addition to her super informed, technical knowledge, Taylor is also just a wonderful person and it was a delight to see her 2 times a week. She cares about her patient's personal lives, listens to details, and makes an effort to develop a deep relationship with each person she treats. I will never cease to recommend her to anyone that experiences an injury or has fitness goals they're looking to achieve. Highly highly HIGHLY recommend Taylor!!!